Xunta gives a definitive boost to PLISAN by signing the award of the first five plots of business land

The settlement of the first companies in the Logistics and Business Platform of Salvaterra-As Neves is now a little closer. The Regional Minister of the Environment, Territory and Housing, Ángeles Vázquez, and the Regional Minister of Economy, Employment and Industry, Francisco Conde, presided this morning in Vigo over the signing ceremony for the awarding of five plots of land in the Plisan, the first to be assigned in this large business area.

From the nearly 69,000 square meters awarded today, around 63,000, corresponding to three different plots, were assigned to the canning company Hijos de Carlos Albo; another 3,325 meters corresponded to Vallejo Low Cost company; and the remaining 2,570, to Arbinova Technological Group. In all cases, the area was awarded in surface rights, a modality that allows the beneficiaries to access business land by paying a small amount each year which facilitates the financing of the installation process and the start of the activity.

Source: Xunta de Galicia

Fecha publicacion: 
2020-01-02 09:30:00